Make-up Class Instructions
How do I view Make-Up token information?
1. After logging into your account, click the MY ACCOUNT link in the toolbar at the top of the screen.
2. Click the “Makeups” icon under the student for whom you wish to check and book a makeup class for.
3. This will bring up a list of all makeup tokens associated with the selected student.
You can expand any collapsed area to view more details.
How do I use a Token to create a Make-up Enrollment?
1. Click the “Use Makeup Token” or “Request” button next to the token details to schedule the makeup lesson.
2. A list of eligible classes will then pop up based on Student’s age, gender and whether openings are available.
NOTE: By default the system looks at classes on the current date; this can be changed by using the date picker to the right of the search box.
3. Once you have located the class you wish to request a make-up in, click on the class to complete the enrollment processing redeem the makeup token.
4. The make-up enrollment will then be submitted to CPAG for staff approval.
How do I find a makeup class? (this will list all make up classes for your child)
1. After logging into your parent portal click on “booking”
2. Click on “Find a Class”
3. Click on the child you wish to find a makeup class for. Then click “See Classes”
4. Once the classes are listed you will want to filter your search. The filter can be found at the top of the list
5. To filter for makeup classes click on “All Programs” > Makeup Classes then Click “Apply”.
6. Choose the class you want to do a make up in and then click “Submit Request”.
7. The Make-Up enrollment will then be submitted to CPAG for staff approval.